Join the Rock Band Thursdays 3pm and 4pm @ Alexander Music Room
Guitar Lessons

Mr Falk 11 years old 1963

Mr Falk 25 years old 1977

Mr Falk
63 yrs old
You Can Play Guitar
The "Open String" Guitar System
Lesson #1 Guitar Gear
3/4 size Nylon Acoustic Guitar (8 to 9 years)
1/2 size Nylon Acoustic Guitar (6 to 7 years)
Suggested Brands:
Yamaha or Rogue Guitars
Miami MusicWorks on 11771 S. Dixie (has nice half size guitars)
Guitar Center 7735 Kendall Dr.
Picks (Medium)
Guitar Case (soft or hard)
Guitar Stand and Music Stand
Strap (Optional unless standing)
Tuner (Phone App or device)
Lesson #2 Tuning the Guitar
Guitar Tuning E A D G B E
The first step to sounding great is to have the guitar in tune before you play.
A piano or another tuned guitar can be used. Electronic or Phone App Tuners work best.
I recommend the SoundCorset Tuner and Metronome App
Youtube Videos can also assist you in tuning.
The guitar itself can be tune itself, by playing the fifth fret of the preceding string, except B. It's fret is the fourth.
Remember this saying: Every Apple Does Good Being Eaten
to recall the order of the strings: E A D G B E
Lesson #3 Strumming the Guitar - Right Hand
The rhythm of the guitar is controlled by the right hand and a pick.
However, there is a secondary rhythm in the left hand as it shifts from chord to chord.
The left hand holds the chord, but lifts on the last beat of the chords duration.
The next chord must drop on the downbeat.
The first beat of each bar should be a downstroke to give each bar solidness.
When a chord is stroked down, it can be upstroked too.
Those rhythms, stroking up and down, are actually called eighth notes.
The other rhythms can be accented up or down to give it variety and interest.
Listen, watch and mimic your teacher or an artist playing different rhythm patterns.
Without forming a chord with the left hand, start strumming with the right hand the most common strumming pattern below.
Down Down Up Down Up Down Up
\ \ | \ | \ |
Lesson #4 The Chords - Left Hand
The Chords are numbered for your fingers to follow with the
Index 1, Middle 2, Ring 3 and the little finger 4.
The thumb braces the hand against the neck. When strumming, squeeze the left hand the moment you strike to get a clear, clean sound from the strings.
The fingers must be curved in a claw-like fashion so not to mute the open strings.

Lesson #5 "We Will Rock You" Queen

Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace
Waving your banner all over the place
We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you
Lesson #6 "Achy Breaky Heart" Billy Ray Cyrus

A | A | A | A |
You can tell the world you never was my girl You can burn my clothes up when I'm gone
Or you can tell your friends just what a fool I've been
And laugh and joke about me on the phone
You can tell my arms go back to the farm You can tell my feet to hit the floor
Or you can tell my lips to tell my fingertips
They won't be reaching out for you no more
But don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart I just don't think he'd understand
And if you tell my heart, my achy breaky heart He might blow up and tell this man Ooh
Lesson #7 "Yellow Submarine" The Beatles